This calculator will help you determine the amount of your monthly donation to compensate for your CO2 emissions. one-time donation
At the same time, large amounts of CO2 are bound in the soil and biomass of the rainforest and the peatlands of Mein Regenwald. Without the protection provided by the Mein Regenwald project, these forests and peatlands would be destroyed. The absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere would cease and through the flames of slash and burn, the destruction of vegetation and
the drying of the soils, huge amounts of CO2 would be released into the atmosphere - with dire consequences for the climate. Preventing this is the task of Mein Regenwald. This is made possible by forest sponsors who finance the protection of the rainforest and the climate through their donations.
Each hectare of forest and peatland in the Mein Regenwald Conservation Areas absorbs an average of 2 tons of CO2 each year.* So to offset the 11 tons of CO2 that each of us in Germany produces on average each year, you need about 5.5 hectares of rainforest that must be permanently protected.
Since not everyone causes the same amount of CO2** and the CO2 absorption of the rainforest depends on factors such as precipitation and solar radiation, we recommend that every forest sponsor protect at least 6 hectares. This corresponds to a monthly donation of 12 euros.

You can offset your lifetime CO2 footprint with a one-time forest sponsorship donation or a temporary forest sponsorship. Here are a few examples:
So depending on your age, you need different amounts of rainforest to offset the ecological footprint of your entire life and make it climate neutral.

Avoid, reduce, compensate
Important basic principle for honest CO2 compensation. CO2 offsetting should not be an ecological sale of indulgences, because the best CO2 is the one that is not produced in the first place and therefore does not need to be offset. Therefore, the following basic principle applies to every type of CO2 compensation:
You completely avoid activities that are particularly harmful to the climate from the outset.
All your CO2 emissions that you cannot completely avoid, you try to reduce through environmentally conscious behavior by choosing more climate-friendly alternatives, e.g. green electricity instead of coal-fired electricity or bus and train instead of car or plane. Offset
You offset the CO2 footprint that remains after you have avoided and reduced as much as possible by actively supporting climate protection projects such as Mein Regenwald.
*CO2 footprint in the rainforest
Calculated using the methods and values of the IPCC Report 2019 Part 1 and Part 4.
** Someone who lives very environmentally conscious and, for example, uses green electricity instead of coal, uses public transport and eats a vegetarian diet has a smaller ecological footprint than someone who does not pay any attention to sustainability in everyday life. You can determine your ecological footprint yourself with the help of CO2 calculators on the Internet: or